In a world where technology often takes center stage, the joy of face-to-face gatherings can sometimes feel like a lost art. Catering by Michaels believes delightful social catering is the antidote to this, bringing people together to share not just food but also experiences, stories, and laughter. This blog post delves into the essence of delightful social catering experiences, exploring the elements that make them memorable and the impact they have on human connections.
Catering by Michaels – A Top Ten
Everything is harder in 2020, especially writing this end of year top ten. Every time I start to think back on the year, I feel like I am getting assaulted with everything we have faced this year. It is like being hit with snowball after snowball – in the face. I am sitting at my actual desk for the first time in months writing this, by myself, with just a small lamp, hot cup of tea, great music on, no distractions – the perfect setting to write a blog. I have been staring at my screen for 30 minutes and now have come back to trying to write this blog for three days. How do you put into words in a one-page blog what this year has been like? How do you explain surviving as a company in a year where you were forced to cease doing the very thing that your business is about? How do you properly recognize the resiliency and amazing teamwork our team has shown this year to survive?
Thanksgiving Traditions
It is so hard to believe that we are halfway through October and already thinking of Thanksgiving. One of my favorite things about Thanksgiving is all the traditions and memories associated with the holiday. My job as a kid was to set the Thanksgiving table. I took this job very seriously. When I was about 7, I made salt dough turkey cut-outs and then hand-painted them with my sister and cousin. My mom still uses them at every place setting to this day. As I got older, I was in the kitchen with my mom all week leading up to the big day and those are some of my favorite memories cooking all day with my mom.
We Are All Together For Yom Kippur
One of our favorite things about Catering by Michaels is the different cultures and religions on our team. Many members of our team are not familiar with the Jewish holidays when they join our company. Since these holidays are a big part of our business, we always take the time every year to teach the traditions and cuisine of each holiday.
On Yom Kippur, people will come together for fasting and prayer from before sundown on the previous night until after sundown on the day of the fast. This means no food or drink is consumed for 24 hours. Foods that are comforting, filling, and requiring minimal preparation are the perfect foods to eat after a day of fasting.
Food and Tradition
My name is Lisa Ware and I am the Director of Business Development & Special Projects at Catering by Michaels. I have been writing each week about our journey through COVID-19. This is about my personal experience as we have been living through COVID-19 in our business. If you have not yet read the previous episodes – be sure to start from the beginning!