Have faith in the perfect matzo and other traditional dishes this Passover.
Passover (Pesach in Hebrew) is one of the most sacred and widely observed holidays in Judaism. And, like with all good holidays, food plays a central role in the festivities, both as a way to bring family and friends together and as religious symbols.
The Torah commands the observance of seven days of Passover to commemorate the exodus of the enslaved Israelites from Egypt. It is a spring celebration of birth, rebirth and the journey from slavery to freedom.
The holiday beings on the 15th of the Jewish month Nisan—March 30 this year.
On the first two nights of Passover, families and friends gather for a feast known as seder. During the meal, the tale of the exodus is told and rituals corresponding to various aspects of the story are performed.
A seder plate on the table contains symbolic foods:
- Z’roa: A lamb shank represents an offering to the Temple.
- Beitzah: An egg is a symbol of rebirth.
- Maror: Bitter herbs are used to represent the bitterness of enslavement.
- Chazeret: Is a bitter green, which is eaten with the maror.
- Karpas: A non-bitter vegetable will be dipped in salt water to symbolize tears from enslavement.
- Haroset: A combination of nuts, apples, and wine represents the mortar and bricks used by the enslaved Jews.
With demands of modern-day life, it can be hard to prepare everything you need for a full seder feast. It can be especially hard when you come to terms with the fact that it’s more than just putting everything together on a seder plate. Among the traditional items also served during Passover are matzo kugel (a pudding made from matzo and apples), gefilte fish, and chicken soup with matzo balls.
Catering by Michaels provides a complete Passover dinner package, from the ingredients you need for a seder plate to traditional gefilte fish and horseradish encrusted salmon filets.
And, of course, there is matzo: Apple matzo kugel, matzo crusted mozzarella sticks, honey pecan matzo crusted chicken—the list goes on and on!
Matzo symbolizes faith and is an integral part of Passover. As the Israelites fled Egypt they had no time to wait for dough to rise, so they ate matzo, an unleavened bread.
Traditionally, matzo will be eaten three times during the seder—so stock up. It is first eaten after the telling of the exodus, once hands are washed and a blessing recited. The second time, a smaller portion is eaten for Korech. It is then eaten again at the end of the meal.
Given the central role matzo plays as part of Passover, it should be no surprise to see it worked into more than a dozen of the dishes offered by Catering by Michaels.
In addition to food for Passover, there is drink. Four glasses of kosher red wine are also required for seder, as each symbolizes one of the four promises made by G-d.
You can also substitute grape juice if you like.
The four promises are:
- No one will oppose you
- No one will accuse you
- No one will condemn you
- No one will separate you from G-d’s love
Now, there is a fifth promise in the Chicago area—though this one isn’t made by G-d— no one will make serving a bountiful Passover meal easier than Catering by Michaels.
So, get your Passover order in before Friday, March 23rd at 5pm!
While you’re waiting for a delicious delivery of Passover food, tell us about your favorite Passover dish on Twitter @CateringChicago.
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