December 21, 2020

Merry Christmas, and How Was the Play, Mrs. Lincoln? 

December 21, 2020

Merry Christmas, and How Was the Play, Mrs. Lincoln? 

I mean – it’s been a long year, no?

But Christmas is here, and it is officially time for reflection and celebration.  Here goes.

Christmas at Catering by Michaels

I have been with Catering by Michaels for around ten years, and I’ve seen some changes.  One thing that remains the same:  we do Christmas right!  Each year our culinary team creates new and innovative items for our special holiday menu; our pastry chef practically moves into his pastry kitchen and spends every waking hour making assorted Christmas cookies, cakes, pies – oh my!

Catering by Michaels Christmas

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My name is Lisa Ware, and I am the Director of Business Development & Special Projects at Catering by Michaels. Sharing our journey through COVID-19 certainly falls under one of those “special projects.”  Let me first say these are blog posts we never wanted to write, but we feel it is necessary, helpful, and therapeutic to share our journey!

It’s our hope that what we’ve learned—and continue to learn—can help someone else. Perhaps it’s comforting to hear we are going through the same things you or your company are experiencing. At the very least–as a member of CBM’s Crisis Management Team–it is therapeutic to write these blog posts and share our journey!

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